The Presence of the True Body of Christ in the Eucharist according to the Fathers of the Church of the East Rev. TOWER ANDRIOUS
/in English, Theology, Volume 12 (2024) /by Church of Beth Kokheh JournalTheological perspective of the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the East Rev. TOWER ANDRIOUS
/in English, Volume 11 (2023), Volumes /by Church of Beth Kokheh JournalIcons in the Church of the East Rev. TOWER ANDRIOUS
/in English, Volume 10 (2022), Volumes /by Church of Beth Kokheh JournalMary in the Tradition of the Church of the East\ in the Syriac Tradition By Corbishop Dr. Geoge Toma
/in Books, English, Volume 10 (2022), Volumes /by Church of Beth Kokheh JournalThe Titles of the Virgin Mary the mother of Christ in the Liturgy of the Church of the East By Corbishop Dr. George Toma
/in English, Volume 10 (2022), Volumes /by Church of Beth Kokheh JournalThe Order of clebration of the commemoration of the Virgin Mary in Aramaic and English – Corbishop Dr. George Toma
/in Books, English, ܐܬܘܪܝܐ /by Church of Beth Kokheh JournalA Journey in the thought of East Syrian Fathers about the sacrament of Baptism Rev. TOWER ANDRIOUS
/in English, Theology, Volume 10 (2022), Volumes /by Church of Beth Kokheh Journalرحلة في فكر آباء كنيسة المشرق، حول سر المعمودية – الأب تاور اندريوس
/in Theology, Volume 10 (2022), Volumes /by Church of Beth Kokheh Journal
The Memra of Patriarch Mar ’Īšō‘yahb I of Arzōn (581-595): The Cause of the ‘Holy God’ – H. H. Mar Awa III
/in English, Volume 10 (2022), Volumes /by Church of Beth Kokheh JournalThe Memra of Patriarch Mar ’Īšō‘yahb I of Arzōn (581-595): The Cause of the ‘Holy God’
Mar Awa III
Catholicos-Patriarch, Assyrian Church of the East
Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 25.1 (2022): 85-136.
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- Volume 8 (2020)
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